Preconception Counseling
Pregnancy is a time of great joy and anticipation. If you are thinking of starting this journey, your preconception care specialists at Crown OG/Gyn can help.
Having a safe, healthy, and happy pregnancy begins well before you have a positive result on a test. Caring for your health before you become pregnant helps you prepare for a pregnancy. Preconception counseling allows you to discuss many aspects of pregnancy and plan for a healthy pregnancy.
This appointment should happen at least three months before you start trying to get pregnant.
Family history:
Your family history—and your partner’s family history—can provide insight about any genetic conditions or disorders that may be passed on to a child. Understanding your medical past can help your healthcare providers treat you and your child in the future. This information may also tell your healthcare provider if they need to perform extra tests or watch for the development of certain conditions during pregnancy. Specific parts of your family health history to share with your doctor could include a history of:Hypertension (high blood pressure)
Mental disorders
Birth defects (congenital conditions)
Ethnicity-related diseases (Tay-Sachs, sickle trait/sickle cell disease)
Twins or multiples
Your general medical history:
It is important for your provider to see the whole picture of your health before pregnancy. During your appointment, your caregiver will want to discuss:Surgeries, hospitalizations, or transfusions you may have had in the past.
Any pre-existing medical conditions.
Any allergies.
Any medications you may currently be taking.
Your OB/Gyn history:
During the discussion of your medical history, your doctor will ask you about your OB/Gyn history. Some STIs and vaginal infections can affect a woman’s ability to conceive. Your doctor may do cervical cultures or blood tests to make sure there are no infections that could cause issues during conception or pregnancy. Specific topics your provider may discuss include:Any previous pregnancies
Your menstrual history
Contraceptive use
Any sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
Any history of known uterine abnormalities
Pap smears or any treatments for abnormal paps
Vaginal infections
A healthy lifestyle is very important during pregnancy. This includes a balanced and nutritious diet, exercise, and discontinuing drug use and smoking, as well as exposure to any environmental hazards.Vaccination:
Your provider may need to update or give you additional vaccinations before you become pregnant. Some of these vaccinations may require time between when they are given to you and when you become pregnant. Bring your vaccination records with you to your appointment.