Prenatal Ultrasounds
About Prenatal Ultrasounds
Ultrasounds have become a helpful, regular part of prenatal care, and all women should receive more than one ultrasound during pregnancy. Early in pregnancy, ultrasounds are used to confirm the fetal heartbeat and the baby’s position in the uterus. Ultrasounds also screen for fetal growth and weight, amount of amniotic fluid, placenta and umbilical cord location, as well as the baby’s general health and anatomy. Later on in your pregnancy, any abnormalities or birth defects could be visible on an ultrasound.
Usually, a woman gets a minimum of two ultrasounds during her pregnancy. In the first trimester of pregnancy it can be done anytime. A first trimester ultrasound is used to confirm the fetal heartbeat, date a pregnancy, determine if the pregnancy is uterine, and discover the number of fetuses. Midway through your pregnancy, a trained sonographer will perform a detailed anatomy scan. Sometimes a mom-to-be will have additional ultrasounds over the course of her pregnancy if she is considered high-risk.
Ultrasounds are noninvasive and very low-risk. While ultrasounds are usually relatively accurate at estimating a baby’s size, they can under- or over-estimate weight, especially if they’re overused or administered by untrained personnel, which may occasionally result in unnecessary C-sections or premature deliveries. The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists urges practitioners and patients to use ultrasounds only if they’re medically necessary.